Name: Aragorn, son of Arathorn II, son of Arador, son of Argonui, son of Arathorn I, son of Arassuil, son of Arahad II, son of Aravorn, son of Aragost, son of Arv-Pshh, screw this.
Life: 2931, of the Third Age -120 of the Fourth Age ( I'm sure it makes sense somehow)
Romantic Interests: A Smokin hot elven princess; Arwen. (Although, there was that nasty rumor about a weekend in cabo with legolas.)
Famous Quote: "A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. "
Fearless on the battle field, irresistible to maidens, and in constant need of a shower; Arragon is the quentisential Rugged Gentleman. Whether he's leading a lethal force of unstoppable phantoms, single handedly beating the piss out of entire armies, or silently brooding about just how awesome his is; Aragorn makes all men around him seem like total vagi* by comparison
His accomplishments include: Leading and protecting (for the most part) a group of idiots with the WORST decision making skills ever, reclaiming the throne of his ancestors, and leading a laughably small army to victory against a powerful evil entity and his army of mindless killing machines using only hope, sheer will, and blatant Christian allegories
*Vagi is the plural form of vag. . EX: " Jake and Luke wont come sky diving with us" "what a couple of vagi"
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